If you have an interest in obtaining art works from John Biebel, please contact me directly at j@johnbiebel.com, or +1 617 417 9877.
My painting studio is located at 250 Esten Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US. For those who are interested in picking up a painting, appointments can be arranged (weekends are best.)
Most paintings listed under the "Available Works" pages, or listed as "Available" may be purchased and shipped.
Works under 24 x 36 inches in size can be shipped by USPS, UPS or FedEx. As estimate of cost can be provided.
Some of the paintings are framed, some are not (this is indicated on their listing).
Framed works are usually more expensive (and also more expensive to ship) due to the extra weight, bulk, and the cost of the frame itself.
Some works cannot be shipped due to their size, unless special arrangements are made. Works larger than 24 x 36 inches require special packaging and need to be shipped by freight. Please contact me for how freight shipping can be arranged.
Payment can be accepted by PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and personal check or bank transfer.
Thank you for your interest in my work.